Lena Teuber

Dipl.-Biol. Lena Teuber

Marine Zoology
University of Bremen
FB2 Biology / Chemistry
Office: NW2, A 2091

Telephone: +49 421 218 63037
Fax: +49 421 218 63055
E-mail: teuber@we dont want spamuni-bremen.de

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 330440
28334 Bremen, Germany

University Education:

since 2010  
PhD student at the University of Bremen - Topic: "Ecology and Biodiversity of Zooplankton in the Oxygen Minimum Layer of the Tropical Atlantic"

Diploma in Biology at the University of Bonn/Bremen - Title of the thesis: “Size-dependent Community Structure and Ecology of Zooplankton in the Benguela Coastal Upwelling System off Namibia”

Study of Biology at the University of Bonn, Germany

Main Research Interests:

GENUS Sub-Project 6:
Quantification and modeling of trophic interactions of important meso- and macrozooplankton -  the impact of calanoid copepods and decapods on the carbon cycle in the Benguela upwelling system.

- Abundance and biomass of zooplankton in the oxygen minimum zones off the Cape Verde
  Islands and of the Angola-Basin
- Physiological and behavioural adaptations of zooplankton to oxygen minimum layers
- Hypoxia-tolerance of dominant zooplankton species in the tropical Atlantic
  (optod respirometry)
- Enzyme activities related to hypoxia-tolerance (LDH and ETS)
- Dietary adaptations of deep sea copepods (trophic biomarkers: fatty acids, stable isotopes)
- Biodiversity of deep sea copepods