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GENUS - Podcasts & Galleries

The GENUS project provides several options for scientists and non-scientists to get a broad overview of the aims and goals of our research.

** New Project Roundup Podcast 2017 online **

Short documentary films: A series of professional podcasts about Phase I (RV Discovery 2010) and Phase II (RV Meteor 2014) have been developed in order to get deep insights of how the scientific work is conducted on various research ships or in our home laboratories and what are the basic research aims of each sub-project. Both English and Germany versions are available.

Subproject 5 within the GENUS project uses an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) for selective sampling and submarine video-recording. Thereby it is also possible to conduct video shots of the sediment surface along the shelf and upper continental slope and thus provides an immeasurable insight into the geology and biology at the sediment-water-interface of the Benguela Upwelling System.

The phytoplankton gallery provides a spectacular insight into the diversity and fragile beauty of the phytoplankton community in the Benguela Upwelling System.

typo3 by akea
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