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GENUS - Capacity Building


GENUS is a joint research project of several German universities and institutions leading in marine science. GENUS cooperated closely with southern African institutions in Namibia (NatMIRC - National Marine Information and Research Center, Swakopmund; University of Namibia; SANUMARC, Hentiesbay), in Angola (INIP - National Institute of Fisheries Research, Luanda) and South Africa (University of Cape Town; DEA - Department of Environmental Affairs, Cape Town). The GENUS capacity building component offered scholarships for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students at German universities.


We invite Bachelors and Masters in natural or marine sciences from southern Africa to apply for scholarships on the M.Sc. or Ph.D. student level funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the framework of the GENUS project. Successful candidates will work on research projects integrated in the GENUS science programme and advance their academic qualification with a degree in higher education (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) from the German universities Bremen, Hamburg or Rostock. The grants include subsistence, tuition, health insurance and travel funds for field work in southern Africa as well as workshops. In addition to the scientific programme at the respective universities the students are encouraged to join seagoing expeditions under GENUS and to participate at GENUS scientific meetings, workshops, and summer schools during the grant period.

The GENUS project expired in July 2015. No applications possible anymore.

Students and Projects

Richard Horaeb
NatMIRC / University of Bremen
Zooplankton distribution in the Namibian Upwelling region and its backscatter strength measured with acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs)

Annethea Muller
University of Namibia / University of Rostock and Institute of Baltic Research (IOW)
Exchange of dissolved substances between the Namibian shelf and the adjacent ocean along the northern Benguela System

Chibo Chikwililwa
Namibian Standards Institution (NSI) / University of Rostock and Institute of Baltic Research (IOW)
Walvis Bay harmful algal blooms - potential hazards for mariculture due to phycotoxin production

Nadine Moroff Kohlstädt
NatMIRC / University of Bremen
The importance of small pelagic fish in the northern Benguela Ecosystem

Beau Tjizoo
NatMIRC / Center for Marine Tropical Ecology (Bremen) and University of Bremen
Ecological significance of Cape horse mackerel and jellyfish species interactions in the northern Benguela pelagic ecosystem

Chris Bartholomae
NatMIRC / University of Bremen
Environmental variability and/or Climate Change in the northern Benguela shelf: Implications for fisheries management

Deon Louw
NatMIRC / University of Bremen / Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemuende
Topic to be announced

Victor Libuku
NatMIRC / University of Bremen / University of Hamburg
Temporal Variability in the Inshore Particle Fluxes of the Benguela Current Upwelling System of Namibia

Lindan Mlambo
NatMIRC / University of Bremen / Alfred Wegener Institute Bremerhaven
Population Dynamics of Euphausiid Species of the Benguela Current off the Namibian Coast

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